Cooking tuna. Tuna is usually sold in two different cuts in supermarkets: steaks and fillets. Tuna steaks are usually thicker and meatier than fillets, which makes them great for grilling and searing, while fillets are better suited for baking, broiling, and poaching. Whatever cooking method should you pick, we have cooking times for you! When buying tuna, make sure to look for firm, fresh-looking flesh, with no signs of discoloration or a fishy smell. Translation in French: thon.

cooking tuna, cooking time tuna, Cooking tuna steaks on a grill, Cooking tuna steaks in a pan (seared), Cooking tuna steaks with an air fryer, Cooking tuna fillets in the oven (baked), Cooking tuna fillets in a pot  (in water)


How do I cook tuna?

What to pair tuna with?
Tuna pairs well with grilled asparagus, zucchinis, or bell peppers. You can also serve tuna with a side of rice pilaf or roasted potatoes, or pair it with a light pasta dish like linguine with lemon and capers. Tuna also works well with Asian flavors like soy sauce, ginger, and wasabi, which can be used to make a simple marinade or dipping sauce.

Cooking fish: anchovies, cod, Dover sole, eel, fish fingers, flounder, haddock, halibut, herring, mackerel, pangasius, red snapper, salmon, sardines, sea bass, tilapia, trout, tuna, whiting...

cooking time

Cooking tuna steaks on a grill

Cooking tuna steaks on a grill. Grilling tuna steaks is a must when you have a BBQ!
1. Marinade the tuna steaks for 30 minutes beforehand with olive oil, lemon juice, honey, garlic, salt and pepper.
2. Fire up your grill. Cook your tuna steaks for 3 minutes on each side.
Avoid overcooking tuna, as it can become tough and dry.

cooking time

Cooking tuna steaks in a pan

Cooking tuna steaks in a pan. Tuna is a delicate fish that needs to be cooked just right to maintain its texture and flavor. The best way to cook tuna steaks is in a skillet. Here’s what you should do:
1. Heat 2 tb of oil in a skillet (or a frying pan)
2. Sear the tuna steaks for 1-2 minutes per side, depending on the thickness of the steak.
Avoid overcooking tuna, as it can become tough and dry.

cooking time

Cooking tuna fillets in the oven

Cooking tuna fillets in the oven. Baking tuna fillets is very easy. To do so:
1. Preheat your oven at 400°F (200°C)
2. Put your tuna fillets in an oven-safe dish. Add a little olive oil. Season to taste.
3. Bake for 10-15 minutes.
Avoid overcooking tuna, as it can become tough and dry.

cooking time

Cooking tuna fillets in a pot

Cooking tuna fillets in a pot. You can also poach tuna fillets:
1. Fill a pot with water and bring it to a gentle boil. Reduce heat.
2. Add the tuna fillets and poach for 5-7 minutes until just cooked through.
Avoid overcooking tuna, as it can become tough and dry.

cooking time

Cooking tuna steaks with an air fryer

Cooking tuna fillets with an air fryer is great! Here’s how I do it:
1. Heat your air fryer at 370°F (190°C).
2. Brush your tuna steaks with olive oil. Season to taste.
3. Place the tuna steaks in your airfryer basket.
4. Cook for 2 minutes, then turn the tuna steaks on their other side and resume cooking for another 2 minutes.
You can serve the steaks with an Asian inspired sauce (with soy sauce, honey, a bit of ginger, sesame oil and lime juice)


Tuna is a great fish nutrition-wise : it’s rich in protein, low in calories, high in Omega-3 fatty acids (that have also been shown to lower the risk of certain cancers). It’s also rich in vitamins (B12, D) and in minerals (selenium and iron).