Cooking camembert. If you’re looking for a quick and easy dish to impress your guests, try baking camembert, and you won’t be disappointed! Another option would be to cook it in charcoal. Either way, it’s delicious and we will give you cooking times and temperatures of course! Translation in French: camembert rôti, camembert à la cendre.

Cooking camembert, Cooking time camembert


How do I cook camembert?

cooking time

Preparing camembert

Here’s how to prepare your camembert before cooking: Remove any plastic wrapping or stickers from the cheese, but leave it in its wooden box or packaging.

cooking time

Baked camembert

Cooking baked camembert. Not a fan of camembert? Why don’t you try to bake it in an oven? It will end up like a cheese fondue… delicious with crackers!
1. Preheat your oven at 350°F (180°C)
2. Unwrap the camembert (or the Brie cheese) and place it back in its wooden box (the one it was sold in). Use parchment paper and an oven-proof dish otherwise
3. Slash the Camembert (Optional: add a bit of dry white wine and 2 sprigs of thyme)
4. Bake for 15 minutes
Et voilà!
Serve the baked camembert with toasted baguette slices. You can even add a bit of honey on the baguette!

cooking time

Barbecued camembert

Cooking barbecued camembert. You can also cook your camembert in a BBQ (using charcoal), in its own rind / wooden box.
1. Light up your BBQ
2. Wrap the camembert in its wooden bow (plastic lining removed) in aluminum foil
3. Put the wrapped camembert on the burning ashes for 15-20 minutes. Check that the camembert is completely melted with a knife (while opening the aluminum foil). Enjoy!

What to pair camembert with?
Baked camembert is best served with something crunchy to balance its creamy texture : a fresh baguette or a selection of crackers perhaps? Add some cured meats, like prosciutto or salami, to your cheese board to create a more substantial meal.
What about wine? Red wine, of course! Bordeaux, Burgundy (but French obviously!)

Camembert is a creamy, soft-ripened cheese that hails from the Normandy region in northern France.